

Educational technologies are being utilized in every way shape and form, from inline gaming to numeracy, literacy and painting by numbers. From learning to leisure we have embraced the internet, in online chat rooms we communicate, interact and move into future learning through educational programmes and technology that lets us learn virtually. You can learn more about the different computer features and the softwares that you may install so you will enjoy having your personal computer.  I have acquired knowledge about Adobe Photoshop, a graphics editing program that is used to create customized graphics and edit photos. The lessons that we have tuckled here was very wide.  I have attained knowledge about the different steps that we need to know in using the different features of Adobe Photoshop. We tried to edit in photoshop. I have also gained knowledge about the importance of the components of Adobe Photoshop. It was fun. I have learned a lot.

My Dream, My Future

   Everyone has a dreams or ambitions. As children we get fascinated by several things every now and then and aspire to achieve them as we grow. Some dreams and aspirations remain intact even as we grow and we work hard to achieve them. It is very important to have a dream/ goal in life as it is only when you aspire to achieve something you get motivated to work hard to bring it in your life.    Dreaming is essential for a human being. Without dreams, you will lose interest in life and finally hate to live life. You will be bored and tired of the same monotonous routines of your daily life and will not even find interest in the most exciting things. Only with dreams, will you find a purpose to live your life. You will start working hard towards the dream and will never lose interest in life.     Dreams are for anyone, but it takes a lot of gut and challenges to achieve them. Not everyone's pace is the same on the to success because some people only g...

Foundation Day

High School Day is one of the awaited events in Ilocos Sur National High School. It is celebrated during the first week of March. There is a coronation and a parade of all grade levels with their costumes and a field demo.  Many student watched and participated.  All grade levels worked hard to their performance during the field demo. The celebration went successful and fun. It was exciting and fun to watch all the performers in every grade level.  All of us did our best to give them amazing performance. But grade 8 boys and girls won the field demo presentation. Commemorating the school foundation day could help them better appreciate the improvements they are currently enjoying which have been worked-hard for by school authorities, parents, and students that came before them. It is an opportune time especially for older and graduating students to determine what kind of legacy they can leave behind to the school that has supported them through the years and to the stud...

Kannawidan Festival

Ilocos Sur is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Spanish and Filipino heritage. To show and share their treasures to the whole world, the locals conceived a festival that highlights these cultural traditions and they called it the “Kannadiwan Festival". Kannawidan is a festivity which the City of Vigan celebrates every year. In this festival, the Ilocano people showcase cultural shows, native products and the talents of the Ilocanos.  Kannawidan Ylocos Festival became an annual festival that aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province' rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province.There is a need to preserve our rich heritage and unique culture. The Kannawidan (local term for traditional practice) festival was also an occasion to strengthen the Ilocano culture, recognize Ilocos Sur’s sons and daughters who brought honor to the province, celebrate abu...

Starts With Me

Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with the world, yet few will do the work to improve their own lives. It is easy to draw attention to what is wrong in the world because on one level it is frustrating to observe these conditions and stand back while they take place. Recognize that changing the world does not require making massive actions. Sometimes all it takes is trying to fix and improve what’s closest to you and affects you personally. Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside.  If you want progress, then you need change. You need to be the change. Pick a mold for yourself and start to fill it. Allow yourself to focus on positive thoughts, thinking of the way you want things to go, focusing on the reaction, the effect, that you wish to cause. It means if we want something to change, we have to change first. We can't go around waiting for everyone else to start because actually everyone else is waiting for someone else. So basically be an examp...

New Year, New Me

Every year is a new blessing for us from God and we need to thank Him for the same. A New Year is a blossom in our life and it is worth celebrating the day. It is a simple and known fact that January 1 is fabulously celebrated as the greatest and most important day all across the world. This day is considered as a day filled with great fun. On this New Year Day, people wear new dresses and exchange gifts to one another.It is filled with fun everywhere and when the clock struck 12 people light fireworks to welcome the New Year. People meet their family and friends and spend time with them shopping, going out or celebrating the New Year. Everyone take Resolutions that they decide to follow rest of the year and the upcoming years This year, I have to improve myself. I have to change my bad attitudes. Evolving into better versions of myself allows me to be more productive, focused, creative, energized, and fulfilled. Shedding all my old habits that only held me back. credits: https:...

Essence of Christmas

Christmas season, it is important for us to bear in our minds the reason why we are celebrating this yuletide season in the first place. In this month of December, it is a must for us to remember that our Lord came in this world in order to save us from our sins; He came to redeem us from the wickedness of this world. Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. We also have to recollect the fact that our Lord God is humble being born only in a manger. The essence of celebrating Christmas season is not to have a house full of Christmas lights, having a tall and beautiful Christmas tree full of gifts underneath it and giving expensive gifts. Christmas basically means sharing what you have, not just the material things but also those that can only be felt like a warm, tight hug, a simple thank you, showing our appreciation to our ...