Starts With Me

Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with the world, yet few will do the work to improve their own lives. It is easy to draw attention to what is wrong in the world because on one level it is frustrating to observe these conditions and stand back while they take place.

Recognize that changing the world does not require making massive actions. Sometimes all it takes is trying to fix and improve what’s closest to you and affects you personally. Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside. 

If you want progress, then you need change. You need to be the change. Pick a mold for yourself and start to fill it. Allow yourself to focus on positive thoughts, thinking of the way you want things to go, focusing on the reaction, the effect, that you wish to cause. It means if we want something to change, we have to change first. We can't go around waiting for everyone else to start because actually everyone else is waiting for someone else. So basically be an example! Take personal responsibility. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make changes.Remember this little thing, "If it’s to be, it’s up to me." It is rightly said that change yourself and the whole world changes for you.


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